Monday, November 10, 2008



emireitsu GC was highest. You think that in Dubai it is first. In addition, if with the one where the starter is more professional, in me who go alone, “it may, the member married couple where I have known well in this time entering, because it increases, it makes turn together, the fish you probably will ask?”And so on with it is using voice. Alone, going, if just a little it is delightful in lonely me, was.

Emirates GC with the strategic course which utilizes the natural desert skillfully, not only course design, maintenance was preeminent. As for it is not to play, but according to the story which is heard, wadei compared to creek golf & yacht club were of recommending.


As for Dubai creek golf & yacht club, as for the starter excessively there was no amiability, is, but when it enters into the clubhouse, the person who meets human everyone who meets mutually Good Morning. How are you? And so on with, it was impressive to negotiate voice. It is to greet even to human everyone me who of course, pass each other. The place of social intercourse for the member was made to feel.

Is concerning the course of Dubai creek golf & yacht club, but for the creek paralleling, the fair way is narrow entirely, the impression that was received is. In addition, it seems like [majirisukosu] of [emireitsu], other things there is no impression which after the course shelf which just a little is different is said, but as for maintenance you think that it was good.

Reservation method

This time you reserved through the hotel, but reservation of these two golf-courses is managed being about, everything Dubai Golf Central Reservations Office. Also the staff of the hotel, are after all to have reserved through here, but you can reserve even with the individual. Mail address for reservation is Is only English.
The Dubai creek around your preceding day noon is to insert reservation, but morning quick time a little just has been less crowded. You think that the person who inserted reservation ahead of time is good.

Point of caution

* These two courses are only the software spike.
* And, you do not insert Non Golfer into course.
* It is in Dubai Thursday and Friday weekend. When Thursday play it is desired Friday, we recommend that reservation is inserted ahead of time.

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